A busy Ironman Sunday ahead
70.3 World Championships, 70.3 Muskoka, Ironman Wisconsin & Wales.
Subaru Ironman 70.3 Muskoka
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
There two things we will know that will happen for certain at the 4th Ironman 70.3 Muskoka. There will be a new men’s and women’s champion. Australia’s Craig Alexander (winner of every race at Muskoka), and Mirinda Carfrae (winner of the last two races in Muskoka) will not be back to defend their titles.
This leaves a great opportunity for a variety of fast and worthy professionals that will vie for the race wins on Sunday. Check out the ones to watch for below. The Canadians are bolded.
Pro List
1 Lovato Michael
2 Guembel Wolfgang
3 Bechtel Sean
4 Boudreaux Chris
5 Seng Brad
6 Leto Kyle
7 Biboud Julien
8 Kilshaw Stephen
9 Pawlaczyk Kyle
10 Mangen Matt
11 Baradoy Leif
12 Park Justin
15 Fletcher Jenny
16 Lovato Amanda
17 Whitby Fiona
18 Andrade Mariana
19 Krasnozon Amie
20 Asplund Marisa
21 Kuck Missy
22 Zelazo Suzanne
Ironman World Championship 70.3
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Lake Las Vegas, Nevada
Many of the sport’s biggest names will be on the start line at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships. Some have geared their season around winning the championship, while others will try to do that too but will also use the race as a final tune up for the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.
There are way too many names to list here. Check out the start list below.
Start List
Ford Ironman Wisconsin
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Madison, Wisconsin
Like Muskoka, the defending champions will not be back so there will be a new champion at Ironman Wisconsin. Check out the start list below.
Start List
Ironman Wales
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Start Lists