A busy Ironman 70.3 weekend ahead
Races in Hawaii, New Hampshire, Switzerland, and Australia.
This weekend will be a busy one in the Ironman 70.3 world.
We already mentioned Ironman 70.3 Cairns, but there are also three more races on tap this weekend.
Check them out below. Ironman.com will have various forms of live coverage (text, athlete tracker, pictures, and video).
Ironman 70.3 Hawaii
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Kohala Coast, Hawaii
Pro List
1 Chris Lieto USA
2 Lance Armstrong USA
3 Greg Bennett USA
5 Maik Twelsiek USA
6 Timothy Marr USA
8 James Bowstead NZL
9 Mark Bowstead NZL
11 Guy Crawford AUS
12 Jose Jeuland FRA
14 Jim Lubinski USA
15 Jason Smith USA
16 Kevin Taddonio USA
17 Ollie Whistler AUS
18 Bree Wee  USA
19 Linsey Corbin USA
21 Melanie McQuaid CAN
22 Hillary Biscay USA
23 Kate Bevilaqua AUS
24 Naomi Fergusson NZL
25 Julia Grant NZL
28 Angela Axmann USA
29 Teresa Nelson USA
30 Karen Thibodeau CAN
31 Tatiana Vertiz USA
32 Beth Walsh USA
Ironman 70.3 Switzerland
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Rapperswil-Jona, Lake of Zurich
Pro List
Johann Ackermann GER
Bart Aernouts BEL
Mike Aigroz SUI
Ben Allen AUS
Paul Amey GBR
Ueli Bieler SUI
Marcel Bischof GER
Olivier Cardoen BEL
François Chabaud FRA
Bruno Clerbout BEL
Thomas Darby FIN
Marc-Yvan De Kaenel SUI
Trevor Delsaut FRA
Andreas Dreitz GER
Herve Faure FRA
Jonathan Hotchkiss GBR
Patrick Jaberg SUI
Christian Jais GER
Ivan Kharin RUS
Manuel Küng SUI
Erich Kunz SUI
Cédric Lassonde FRA
Ludovic Le Guellec FRA
Martin Lewinski POL
Benoît Menestrier FRA
Evgeniy Nikitin RUS
Joni Pinosto FIN
Michael Raelert GER
Horst Reichel GER
Sylvain Rota FRA
Andrea Salvisberg SUI
Mike Schifferle SUI
Ronnie Schildknecht SUI
Stefan Schmid GER
Boris Stein GER
Raynard Tissink RSA
Kamil Van beijnum NED
Cyril Viennot FRA
Stephan Vuckovic GER
Dorian Wagner GER
Michael Wetzel GER
Marc Widmer SUI
Andreas Wolpert GER
Natalie Barnard GBR
Anne Basso FRA
Anja Beranek GER
Simone Brändli SUI
Gina Crawford NZL
Erika Csomor HUN
Susan Dietrich GER
Michaela Giger SUI
Christine Grammer AUT
Mareen Hufe GER
Camilla Larsson SWE
Tamsin Lewis GBR
Nina Pekerman ISR
Katja Rabe GER
Regula Rohrbach SUI
Céline Schärern SUI
Nicola Spirig SUI
Caroline Steffen SUI
Francesca Tibaldi ITA
Yvonne Van Vlerken NED
Nicole Woysch GER
Eva Wutti AUT
Ironman 70.3 Mooseman
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Newfound Lake, NH