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The Ironman Run Trainer is perfect for most training days thanks to its display.

Puck – Pricing coming spring 2012

If you’re a CompuTrainer user and fan, you’re likely cringe over the extra few minutes of set-up time for the cadence monitor when you’re putting your bike on and off the trainer on a regular basis. Those days are over, though, thanks to the development of the Puck, which sits on the floor and provides all your pedaling data without needing to install any other cables or monitors.

Run Trainer – $200; With heart rate monitor – $245
Timex Ironman

If you’re looking for a GPS watch that won’t feel ungainly on your wrist, the Ironman Run Trainer might be the watch for you. There’s eight hours of battery life, so this will only serve as an Ironman race watch for a precious few, but its’ perfect for most training days thanks to its customizable display with up to four data lines and everything from hydration and nutrition reminders to hands-free chronograph operation. It’s easy to use and filled with all the features we’ve come to love in Timex Ironman watches, not to mention all that GPS data.