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Cube and Lucy Charles-Barclay pay tribute to London (and warn her competition) with special bike

Specially designed bike celebrates London and offers a cheeky tip to her competition

Photo by: Holly Charles

Anyone who watched Great Britain’s Lucy Charles-Barclay compete at last year’s Ironman World Championship in Kona knows full well how quickly she created an insurmountable gap on the rest of her competition. As she heads into her hometown race this weekend, the British star will be riding a specially designed Aerium C:68X “that celebrates her passion for her home city,” according to Cube.

Yes, the Olympics are coming … but first, T100 London!

The bike also includes a message that Londoners are all too familiar with – “Mind the Gap” – which you’ll hear at every stop of the Tube, the city’s underground railway system. According to Cube, it’s also a “lighthearted tip to her competitors.”

The frame features an Oilslick base that shimmers in various hues. Photo: Holly Charles
There is an artistic depiction of the London Underground network, the world’s oldest underground railway. Photo: Holly Charles
The Union Jack is placed on the inside of the fork, while the chain stay includes illustrations of some of Charles-Barclay’s favourite London Landmarks. Photo: Holly Charles.
The front side of the seat tube has the phrase “Mind the Gap” – something any Londoner has heard thousands of times, and also offers, according to Cube, “as light-hearted tip for her competitors.” Photo: Holly Charles

We’ll be covering the T100 London event and look forward to capturing our own shots of Charles-Barclay’s bike in action.