Canadian pro triathletes on Strava
Follow your favourite pro triathletes this Canada Day weekend

Strava, you may have heard of it? Since being founded in 2009, the app has become the Facebook for runners, cyclists and triathletes. Like most social media apps, the professionals have gotten hooked on Strava. This gives fans and aspiring athletes the access to their favourite pros.
We triathletes are a different breed, so there are a few do’s and don’ts when on Strava. But, for the most part, this app is a great way to monitor your training, the pros, and your local competition.
Other than following your favourite Canadian pro triathlete on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, there is no real way to analyze their training or races, other than Strava. Unfortunately, some of our top triathletes don’t have Strava or rarely post. However, there are a select few that do and are worth following.
Heather and Trevor Wurtele
The Canadian triathlon couple is on Strava and they share their training a lot. Sharing their training sessions from Kelowna, BC, and while racing around the world.
Rachel McBride
A rising star on the elite woman Ironman circuit, Rachel McBride. McBride usually posts once a week, either posting a big training day or race. Last week she posted her second-place finish at 70.3 Mont-Tremblant.
Jackson Laundry
One of Canada’s young long course stars, Jackson Laundry freely shares his training rides and runs. Earlier this June, when he won his first professional Ironman 70.3 race in Raleigh, NC, he shared his blistering 90km bike ride.
Nathan Killam
West coast triathlete, Nathan Killiam, is another Canadian professional triathlete you’ll want to follow. He posts a fair amount, often coming up with awesome ride and run names.
Paula Findlay
The ITU turned long course pro triathlete, Paula Findlay, posts a number of rides on Strava. While on the app, she as taken more than few QOMs.
Alexis Lepage
An ITU triathlete, Alexis Lepage, shares his training as he travels the world.

Dom and Jacob Jamnicky
The sister and brother triathlon duo train out of Guelph, Ontario, and often join each other for track and bike interval sessions.
Daniel Clarke
TMC contributor with his weekly Vlogs, Daniel Clarke, also posts his training from the GTA and his races around the area, in North America and overseas.

Antoine Jolicoeur Desroches
Pro triathlete, who calls the Laurentian region home, Desroches shares his training on Strava, often posting swims, bikes and runs weekly.
Jeff Symonds
Racking up his training mileage in the Okanagan, Symonds is a regular on Strava, posting over 1400km this June.
Simon Whitfield
Canadian triathlon legend, Simon Whitfield, is also on Strava. Posting the odd bike ride or run, Whitfield posts a lot paddleboarding, a past time he has picked up following an outstanding career in triathlon.